
La langue d'Hollywood (3)

« I'm sorry but it's not that simple! »

Il suffit souvent d'une centaine de répliques pour étoffer un scénario hollywoodien… (suite de La langue d'Hollywood (2)).


— It seems to me she's trying to tell you something.
— Is it really that bad?


— You know what I mean, don't you?
— It's possible but there's only one way to find out.
— Let me straighten up a couple of things.
— It's that simple. — Oh, you're a great help.
— I'm sorry but it's not that simple.


— That's all that matters.
— Let's stick to it.
— It's him alright.


— I'll take care of everything.
— I've gotta do it by myself.


— Hey, wait a minute! I've got an idea. (Ils ont perdu la piste, leur voiture est tombée en panne d'essence, on les a enfermés dans un hangar désaffecté, etc.)
— You mean… you mean… I mean… are you serious? (Il vient de comprendre qu'elle est enceinte.)
— This is what I found out. (À insérer à la fin d'un discours insipide, pour indiquer qu'il est terminé.)

Confession et aveux

— I'm so ashamed.
— It's the first time this… how can I explain… this kinda thing happens to me, I mean it.
— I only got one thing to say… I hope I didn't hurt anybody… 'Cause I didn't mean to.


— Come on. Keep going. You can do it.
— We're almost there. Keep trying.
— I wouldn't worry, darling, I'm sure he's gonna be alright.
— Everything's gonna be alright. Calm down. Trust me. There's nothing to be afraid of.


— I you don't like yourself, how do you expect others to like you.
— I didn't come here to ask for sympathy. Don't feel sorry for me, you don't owe me anything.


— Do me a favor, will you?
— If we are lucky. — Luck has nothing to do with it.

Victoire finale

— It's over Jim. — I guess you're right.

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