
La langue d'Hollywood (2)

« Hey, knock it off, will you? »

Il suffit souvent d'une centaine de répliques pour étoffer un scénario hollywoodien… (suite de La langue d'Hollywood (1)).


— I don't know whether I can make it. (En réalité, il réussira.)
— I think I've got a big problem.
— That's exactly what they're waiting for.
— I don't feel very comfortable with it.
— What are you gonna do? — I don't know, I really don't.
— Are you positive? Absolutely positive? — Of course I am. (On avertit le spectateur qu'il assiste à des événements extraordinaires.)



— You're not being funny. — I'm not trying to. (On ne sait pas trop ce qu'elle lui reproche, mais elle n'est pas d'accord avec lui. Ce qui compte c'est que le conflit existe.)
— Hey knock it off, will you?
— Are you trying to get me in trouble?
— Hey, who do you think you are?
— What are you talkin' about?
— That's all you have to say?
— Don't you ever do that again.



— Hey, what do you think you're doing?
— How did you expect to get away with it?
— Don't you think you're gonna get away with this, 'cause you won't.
— Why don't you mind your own business?
— Which side are you on?
— I'm afraid it's not enough.
— That's not what I'm asking you.
— You shouldn't have done that, you made a big mistake. (Le héros s'est fait un ennemi implacable et sournois dont il ne triomphera qu'avec difficulté.)



— Let's settle the whole thing. (Que le spectateur se tranquillise, la bagarre aura lieu.)
— Now listen carefully.
— That's what you want, ain't it?
— I hope I made myself clear.
— Do I make myself clear?

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